Coming soon, a site devoted to those seeking relief from depression via Ketamine.
I had beeen getting intra-muscular shots of Ketamine for about a year and a half; it really helped my depression. Last year I stopped (my doctor moved out of state), and switched to nightly troches (lozenges), which helps, but not as much. Note that these taste absolutely horrible. I tried Esketamine nasal drops for a month; it had the same effect, but was much more expensive than the troches.
I think music is crucial to having a good experience with ketamine. If you want a more intense experience, I recommend Damayanti by 2002. It's free to stream with Amazon Prime. Full walls of beautiful sound, and very uplifting chord progressions, with few minor chords. Best experienced through headphones or earpods, as loud as comfortable. Their other albums are less intense, but still beautiful.
For a more relaxed vibe, I go with anything by Enya, also free with Amazon Prime. When heard casually, her music seems simple, but through headphones or good earpods it's actually quite complex and lush, with beautiful orchestrations. Again, generally major chords, with few minor chords to bring you down.If you're broke, or otherwise desperate, you can listen to some of my feeble attempts at composing music specifically for the ketamine experience, here.
Harvard Medical, Ketamine for major depression
American Society of Ketamine Physicians, Psychotherapists & Practitioners
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